Sunday, May 16, 2010

Ogden Marathon

I would love to lie and say that I just ran the full Ogden Marathon, but I am pretty sure everyone would know I was lying. So that will be a future goal... one day right! But I must admit I was proud of myself for running in the Marathon on a relay team. It was so much fun! I just loved running with everyone. My leg was only 5 miles. I started at Eden Park which was the halfway point for the marathon. So I got to see all the full marathoners hitting their halfway mark... so inspiring. My leg ended at The Oaks in the canyon. I stopped and passed off to my teammate and then I realized I was having so much fun I didn't really want it to end so soon. So I decided to just keep running. I also told Brock I just wanted to keep hitting up the rest stops with everyone passing out drinks and refueling snacks... haha. But I ended up just running the rest of the marathon. So I really ran 13 miles which I hadn't thought that I could do before! I'm glad I proved myself wrong.
Next time I will just sign up for the 1/2 in the first place, but the good thing was I got to start at 9:30 and run the 13 miles instead of being there at 4:45 a.m. for the official half marathon. So it was all to my advantage. I also didn't keep track of my time because once I was done with my leg, my time stopped. It was all just for fun:)

Obviously I was loving the thumbs up sign. It was such a good day!


Ben and Camille said...

wow, i've never run that far in my LIFE! congrats! that's awesome!!

Kyle, Cassie and Kids said...

Wow! Awesome Job... That's great that you finished running the rest of it! Running is so much fun!

Kylee said...

Wow! Arr! That's so awesome...I'm so proud of you. Look at you all running for fun!

Erin said...

Oh you have me just kept running! I love it, indeed the best treats come in the last half! So glad you had a great run and yes you should totally just sign up for the half or full...they are both so fun :)

Zandie Boutique said...

Arr! I'm so proud of you. I bet you could do the whole thing if you were fine to to 13! Good job!

Danielle and Preston said...

Lookin hot Arr! good job! that's awesome girl!

Kylee said...

How perfect! I don't think I could get myself to run 13 miles spur of the moment like that - and I definitely know I wouldn't look as cute as you doing it! You go girl!

Aunt Lulu said...

Wow, Arr! You totally rock! I am so impressed. I hope that Brock gave you some great foot massages and bought you a Jamba or something yummy. Hope your end of the year goes well! Lots of Love, Aunt Lulu

Morgan Greaves said...

I didn't do the marathon either but I ran the relay to! I am also pretty proud of my 5 miles too! Wasn't it so fun! I ran the leg right after you :)

. said...

Oh my gosh! GOOD JOB! I could never do that in a million years... :) Haha you are so cute!

Rachel said...

Awesome job Arr! I have also never run that far before...maybe one day :) But for now I will just stick with my bike, lol. PS you are looking super hot in the little running outfit :) And thanks for the recipe, I am going to the grocery store to day and am going to make it. sounds delish!

Michelle said...

Wow, way to go girl! That's awesome that you just kept running! I'm not a runner so I'm very impressed :)!!

Meg said...

I ran the half I wish I would have seen you there it has been to long!